Lamictal (Lamotrigine) Women who, use ,antibiotics ,too often so+meti_mes develop b_owel and vagi*nal y-east infec.tions. 7 out o.f the, top 11 d.rugs abused- by teenagers* are prescr,iptio*n and over-th-e-counter med.ications. Ov'erweight, and obesity+ are the+ nightmar'es that frig,hten half +the+ people all_ over th,e world, friend. .Befor.e the age of* menopause, wo*men hav.e lower cho,lesterol le'vel* than men of _the same ,age. Sede,ntary people bu*rn fewe+r calories tha+n people who. stay ac_tive all t+heir li.fe. It's ab*out obesity! -A -team of health pr'ofes*sionals w'ill eagerly. help you t-reat & eliminate* obesity,, no _need to wor*ry. If the ma+n's heal-th is n+ormal, erecti*ons should- be automatic,_ my ex-'wife used to* tell me. 'Rubb+ish! Does +lowering LDL +choleste*rol prevent hear-t attac,ks and- strokes? Read* more on ,cholest.erol. Althoug*h these dru+gs have ,saved milli.ons of lives,. the m+isuse of antibi+otics probl'ems. Antibi,otics, have become' part of our li*fe style, *specif-ically when we- talk_ about h_ealth issues. Asth'ma ,is a condition in_ whic'h airflow o_f the l'ungs may be part.ially bloc-ked+ by swelling. Yo,u may get ti,red quicke+r than* everybod,y else of the , age with you- if you hav*e asthma. Pe_ople -with asthma expe,rience sym,ptom*s when air,ways tighten, _inflame, or ,fil+l with mucus. 75* %+ of suicides in +the wor_ld are com+mitted +by men who sudde.nly faced- pote'ncy proble,ms. The mo'st common allergies* are to p'olle'n, tobacco smoke+, ae-rosols, pain*t, perf,umes and fu_mes. Many people_ b'elieve that they sh.ould on_ly get *help when the p'ain is- becoming u-nbearable. Peo-ple who .cher+ish their sexual ,life. start impoten_ce treatme+nt bef'ore problems occ.ur! W_hat we you is a revol_ution'ary treatment for. chro*nic asth+ma. Just feel go*od again!* If you treat* o.besity, the su+ccess depend.s on+ your mood, your' health, &_ your desi-re t_o get slimmer!, When, given antibiot.ics, ta_ke them exactl.y as pres,cribed. Not m-ore_, but not less as_ w.ell! Food 'allergy is more. commo,n among ch+ildren. A+nd penicilli+n is the most- common trigger*. Excess a_mount_ of fat on+ your bott-om looks' awful even i-f you hide' it under fash,ionable jea*ns! Rememb-er that to*o mu-ch of pain, relief medicat-io_n can lead to. liver damage +and eve-n death,. Men are le_ss likely *to see +a doctor and their 'chance+d to catch_ up a serious, diseas,e and suffer.. Severa_l unp.leasant changes h*appen in the, airwa_ys in the lu-ngs of p-eople wh+o have ast.hma. Studies sho+w tha+t persistent .pain causes .cha*nges in the br,ain and spi-nal ,cord causin*g more pain. +Obese peopl.e suffe+r every day not -onl*y from the' way they lo.ok but f-rom numerous di'seases! In *about. 50% of .children wit.h asthma, the+ conditio,n may be+come inactive *in the t*eenage' years. If th'e man's healt.h is n'ormal, erectio'ns should be, automa.tic, my ex_-wife use,d to tell m.e. Rubbi_sh! An*tibiotics w*ill not c-ure viral ill-nesses, such a-s: colds or' flu, -most coughs. and .bronchitis. ,Since pen.icillin was intr,oduc,ed, scientist's have d*eveloped more th*an 150 diff*ere-nt antibiotics. .The mor_e ris+k factors you have,* t*he greater you'r chanc,e of developing c.or,onary hear*t disease. Misuse+ of' painkillers can* be- extremely har.mful and -even deadly. -Observe docto+r's inst_ructio+ns! What in_novatio+ns can be foun'd in pharmace*utical.s? Most -innovative a,llergy tre,atment for y_ou! There is- nothing that you ,have faced .problems wi,th having' se-x if you're 30! If, too mu,ch cholest+erol+ builds up -in your b*ody, the bloo_d cannot, flow thr+ough to your' heart. I hea,rd, men c'an also +be with ,a partner 'and have an er*ection, without thi*nking sexual thou+ghts. R'ead our quick* answe+rs to commo'n asth*ma questions so _you +can stay w-ell and b+e active!* More than 50 mill+ion America*ns +suffer from ,allergie-s or an 'related diseases_, like ast_hma. No one, kno,ws how and why suc,h hor+rible diseases, like asthm,a .choose thei'r poor After a. meal, dietary, cholester*ol' is absorbed fr'om t,he foods you .eat and stored i,n the l_iver'. This is hi+gh time 'to think abou+t your c.holestero+l level an'd ask your. doctor for a diet +plan! +Obesity is c+aused both +by gene*s & lifes_tyle habi_ts. Your family* hi_story matters, ju-st lik'e your food!' Scien-tists have found ,that- some foods (,as fish' & waln.uts) can help co'ntrol yo_ur cholesterol., Not e*very asthma -medicatio*n is e+qually effective-. Read_ all the _information *about your d.rug!' What is +most important 'in obesity _treatment *is l.osing weight* gradually & ma,intaini-ng weight l*oss. An,tibiotic-re-sistant ,bacteria can cau_se infectio'ns* and can be spread. to .others in you*r family. As-thma sympt'oms vary ra-ng'ing from mild ,episodes of* breath-lessness to pers_iste+nt wheezing. ,A bike and sea.t' that fit ergonom-ically w.ith a man's bo_dy can ,drive away al.l threa+ts for _penis. Antihista_mines d'o not cure .allerg*y but t_hey give a c'hance for _normal life. Choo*se the be-st! Someone, who is ov+er 20% .of the "a'verage" heavin*ess for t,heir siz,e, is+ judged as being o+bese. The' n'umber of o.verweight and- obese Americans- has incr+eased_ continuou'sly sin,ce year 1960. Men -with erect'ile dysf.unction *have new hope.. We w*ill brea.k the disease dow*n for y_ou, for. sure. Screening +i-s advised for kids. with a fa'mily hi-story of hi_gh cholestero-l l*evel or blood fa'ts. Ea-rly ast+hma warning sign,s includ.e feelin*g very *tired, upset or w*eak whe.n exercis,ing. Pain,killers sh+ould nev_er be shared- with anyone_ else. On,ly your d.octor can dec_ide if it'-s safe'. It is po_ssible to reac.t to a food. without bei+ng allergi_c. Mak,e sure you ha+ve some m.edica'tions! Hay -fever suffer.ers should was-h hair at' night to .remove. any pollen- and keep away ,from .bed. Here''s some good, news. To lowe,r t+he cholest_erol, you can -actually -eat more of -certa+in foods.+ Even if yo+u have se.vere asthma you +need t*o exercise regul-arl.y in order to sta+y in goo-d s'hape! Does t*he durati+on of your sex de'pe+nd on the leng*th of your pe-nis? .Let's find i_t out! Each_ year, about 'a million_ Americans -have heart_ attacks, 'and h,alf a mi'llion die from +a stroke. 'You need to +change y'our beha'vior and a_ttitude to f+ood if you .really wa*nt to lose th+at _extra we,ight! Pleasure for ,both' partners. comes in many f_orms and ca'n be achie+ved .in a great ,variety+ of ways! Did y_ou think_ that. your allergy is .the most .unpleasant? .I'm s+ure ther.e more horrible' reacti_ons. The key to .ef-fective antibiot*ic treatmen-t i,s to use the. weakes+t antibiotic .to do the- job first.' Asthma t+ogether with alle_rgy is o_ne of th-e mos't common health p_roblem-s in the Unite_d States. *Immu*notherapy u*ltimately works_ in' up to 90% of 'people with s+easonal all'ergic _rhinitis. If_ you have_n't h'ad a reaction _for some- time, your' doctor may, want to perfor'm a food c_hallenge.* On many, occasi*ons, pat*ients have asked .me whether -exercise -will- help prevent 'asthm_a. Obesity poiso'ns my fa.mily *life. My children a,re unhap+py but we .can't so,lve th-e problem,. Babies often wh*eez'e when they, have a cold or .other i'nfection of th*e airway's or ev-en asthma. Yo*u shou-ld know all, the risk. factors to. avoid obesity!- Lea+rn more 'now and live long. & he,althy life! The n_um-ber of new cases *and the yea_rly* rate of hospi_taliz_ation for asth-ma have .increas*ed! We don't -believe in+ miracles, but- we believe' in g.reat po,wer of med-icine! Check -it out now! Lo'ok a.t that vanilla,! Does it re+ally looks t.hat tast'y? Is it. worth your nice sl,im fig,ure? Early_ asthma war'ning sign's includ+e frequent ,cough, .especially at ni*ght a'nd feeling t.ired. Such s_erious+ diseases lik'e bronchitis a-nd as-thma oft*en start -from simple alle'rgies. Wa*tch out! Ke'eping exces_s weight o,ff is .essential +for good healt'h and has .not-hing to do _with cra*sh diets, dud.e. Hopelessness., ange-r and depressi.on can be- the caus'es of obe*sity in peopl-e! Your m_ood matte'rs! If you- have be-en diagn_osed with asthm+a you -will have to ta,ke a'sthma medicine's regularly. *To.o much choles*terol le'ads to the bui.ld-up of plaq,ue* on the walls of t+he -arteries. Ou*ch! Yo'u may be gi+ven other medic.ines| such a's ant_i-inflamm-atory drugs to ta_ke_ with your pain,killer.s. Asthma often w,ors.ens at nigh-t for a f.ew reason+s. Do not forget t.o take y.our, medicine regula+rly. Food ,allergy are v_ery rar-e but you sh,ould- be ready to c,ontrol any+ type of -allergy +in your kids! M+anaging +high_ cholesterol isn_'t a simple_ do-it-your,se*lf project. Yo_u need pr.ofessiona-l help! In+ addition to _noisy *and rapid breathin+g+, asthma in ki+ds can cause- frequent cou,ghi*ng spells'. Penicillin was* the 'first antibi.otic. N_ow there exist m.ore than +one hundred_. Wha*t's yours?' Causes of ere,ctile_ dysfunction can b,e -physical or psy*chologica-l, but+ not rela+ted to underwear. I'f you're i-n pain 'your life can_ be great_ly improved, with qu_ali'ty pain relievers +taken respo-nsibly_. Painkiller-s are p'rescribed' for pain re*lief, e._g. after -surgery an,d are only avail_able b*y prescripti.on. My d*iet and p.hysical ac.tivity choices *are+ responsible for. my chol-esterol -level, and yo.urs? _Early asthma ,warnin.g signs include* wheezing or c-oughi*ng after_ exercise, *being moody. ,Have' you ever tri,ed anything mor'e effectiv,e th-an this brand-ne+w super- effective ant-ibiot*ic? An'tibiotics do n-ot cur-e infections_ caused by ,and should not be. ta-ken in these. cases., Read our quick ,answers to co-mmon -asthma ques,tions, so you ca_n stay wel+l and be active*! Our _culture the- tendency toward. obes-ity: physica,l activi,ty isn't r.equired in _our society. A+cute urti,caria 'is common+, affecting 10 -' 20% of the p'opul_ation at so*me time in' their l*ives. If gra-dually in'crease *the amount you +exercise- you probably *wil-l cope with, obesity, in 10_-15 years.. P_eop.le with asthma ha+ve what ar-e somet_imes *called "sensiti+zed" airway+s. Check. yourself no*w. Everyo+ne age 20 & o-lder- should .have their ch.olesterol +measured a.t least onc+e every 5 ye*ars. *Your gen*es partly de,termine how high, your cho.lester*ol is. Hi,gh chole'sterol runs in' families. As m,any as 20%- of -Americans be'lieve they -have +a food…but -less than 1% reall*y do. I do_n't ,need to be a doct*or to ,tell *you what impotence_ treatment *is +the most. effective one_! Most p*ainkillers,, when used p-roperl.y under a med.ical doct*or's supervision,, ,are safe & effe.ctive. Whi*le asthm.a symptoms ca+n begin a,t an*y age, most .children 'have their fi'rst symptoms by, 5. Do y_ou know +the early- signs of an a+sthma 'attack? Their .variety m+ay really su,rprise you-. Your l.ife ca_n be easily spo'iled w-ith simple f,ood all+ergy. M*ake sure your .hands ar.e clean!. In about 50% of c.hildr-en with asth-ma, th-e condition may *bec-ome inactive .in the teenage_ years.. Childr,en whose p-arents suffer fro,m allerg,ies a-re 70% more l'ikely to have _the same_ aller.gies. As-thma is als*o commonly diag'nosed .after symptoms_ arise duri-ng exercise*. Are you* okay n_ow? You*r symptoms ma'y be mild d_uring one+ asthma at_tack and, severe du-ring another one'. There *are hu-ndreds of other -asth+matics. Stop* suffering_ in! Take g-ood care 'of yourse-lf! Keep_ing excess weig,ht off is e'ssential for- good he+alth and. has no'thing to do w,ith crash d_iets,, dude. Your ris+k of diabete-s, heart dis-ease, st_roke, .arthrit*is and some cancer_s increase,s in cas.e of ob.esity. Wh*at are the +current NCEP c*hole'sterol trea-tment guidelines+? Le*arn more a,bout choleste*rol! Hyper*sensitive i_mmune are at gr+eater r,isk as the,y are- more prone to var*ious al,lergens.. Approximat-ely 4 _percent of all a,llergy suff-erers h.ave insect a*llergies _as their pri*mary aller,gy type., We offer y_ou an unpr.ecedented *opp+ortunity of buying- cheap_ choleste*rol lower_ing drugs! Why, are* people get*ting addicted t+o painkiller.s mor-e than th*e other leth*al drugs o*r alcohol? B'est doctors. al over +the world 'use antibioti'cs to tr+eat their- pat*ients' bacterial in.fect+ions. A_ir pollution in con-te+mporary megal'opolises _is so p,olluted that peo-ple oft-en catch a'llergies. Rem-ember, 'for kids with- extr+emely high* cholesterol*, drug treatment_ should 'be consid*ered.' Expensive & _revolut'ionary alle_rgy treatme.nt! Our re+gular cust,omers have_ to pay only- 70%. Twenty, milli*on American me.n suffer. from som,e form+ of erectile- dysfunc,tion. Are y_ou 1 of them? Men, can f.ind it hard to *talk about+ physi-cal d*iscomfort or emot*ion,al distress w+ith physici*ans. Wit+h all of the stor_ies _of food all_ergies swi.rling aro-und in the pres's, ,you should know t*he t*ruth. Some st*udies show th*at breas'tfeeding dec'rease+s the chan*ces for a child *to d_evelop food al+lergies*.... Do ,you know tha-t women- over age 20 sh_ould have t-heir- cholester'ol checked by 'their doct*or. The _more obese a' man is,* the mo+re likely t-hey're to hav'e medical* problems rela*ted to ob,esity. Ast'hma to,gether with all'ergy -is one o+f the most c,ommon he+alth problem,s in the Unit.ed States. -Feel free, to improve. your sexual- perfor.mance an-d live long a-nd happy lif'e of 'a womanize,r! Knowing th+e various' reasons -that peo_ple become o_bese can help y+o*u understand you+r struggle. I+t is, possible' to react ,to a food withou,t being al-le_rgic. Make- sure you have so*me me_dications!' If you want to -get ri_d of ob+esity changes .in your* eating and. activity ha-bits may not b*e effectiv+e+! It is estimated 'that mor-e than -150 people in, the USA 'die a, year from a severe' allergic *reac*tion. Severe ,asthma atta'cks *may require emerge-ncy care*, a,nd they can ca.use de_ath. Watch +out! There are ab-out 1 milli-on Ca'nadians+ and 15 million Am.ericans+ who suffer f*rom asthm_a. I,f painkill,ers are abused f+or a_ period of, a p+erson can- become addict+ed to t,he medication., Do yo,u know any home r_emedies 'or tricks f.or asthma? +I can s,hare s-ome grea+t tricks with y+ou! On ,many occas'ions, pa-tients have a.sked me whethe'r exercis*e will *help prevent as,thma. I,t is not ca't hair *that cause_s some of the *most unple'asan't allergies. .It is s_hed from pet ski*n. If bot-h parents +have all.ergies, it is_ much 'more lik-ely (7 in 10) tha*t their *chil_dren will have al*lergi_es. Proper _use of ant'ibiotics _can stop infe*ction and sa-ve +lives, but you sho.uld b*e very careful! *Antibiot,ics do the-ir job on_ bacter,ial infectio,ns like str+ep throat, e,ar infec+tions and so .o_n. Each yea+r, about a .million A*mericans ha,ve heart att'acks, and 'half a million- die f.rom a str*oke. Keep an ey'e on yo.ur penis and i.ts -performan-ce even if, you have neve_r had proble_ms! Some pe,ople w_ith asthma may. go for ex,te-nded periods 'without any' symptoms+. Unemployme+nt and impote-nce proble+ms are m.ajor cau-ses of depres_sion and suici'de in. men. Antib-iotics eff.ectively preven*t ,any bacterial infe_ct-ions from s*preading ove-r your organis_m. Women_ suffe.r from obesity. just as of-ten as me_n do', but they get dep*resse+d much more ofte,n. ulcers v'irazole ,neur'obion forte* (b1+b6+b12) r,hinol.ast dermato_graphism eye -swelling -Insulin Glar,gine ( [insuli'n] (Lantu*s, Novo+log, insulin-, insulin g,largine) Melph.a_lan — Cance,r betacard Dexame-thasone —- Allergy_, Asthma, Ato_pic -Dermatitis, A*llergic, Rhinitis Xenical' — We,ight Loss, Obes-ity, Weig,ht Man,agement Li'v.52 Capsules' Hytri'n (Tera,zosin) Immune Bo.oster Ofl_oxacin (Flox*in, Exoc,ine, Flobac+in, Floxal_, Flo*xstat, Novecin,, Oflin, Of_lo, Oflodura*, Oflox,' Taravid, _Tarivid, *Zano*cin) gerd Betapa-ce (Sotalol, *Sotalex-, Sotacor) ,Keppra *— Epilepsy, Cephalexi-n (Kef*lex, Spor,idex, keft-ab) glucotr-ol Dilanti,n (Phenytoin,- Phenytek, Epa_min, E+panutin, Fen-ytoin, Epto+in,' Phenhydan), azi sandoz novon+o+rm Enuresis Gerif-orte Enhan'ce9 — Mal'e Enhancem.ent, Penis E-nlargement *Orli_stat [orli,stat] (Xe_nical, Alli, Wei_ght Lo+ss, diet,* diet p'ills, lesofat, orl_istat- lesofat)- tinea c'orporis ton-sillitis -enap meprate_ oxybuty.nin isimoxin al-ert caps ,(sleep & .relaxation. aid) revia S,odium Retent-io-n Selegiline [s.elegiline] (,Eldepr.yl, Emsam, Zel+apar) Arm.our — Hypothy'roidism' Coup-le Pack (*Male & Female Viag+ra) esom-eprazol'e risedronate _sodium ca'ldecort rumal*aya Ofloxa.cin [ofl+oxacin_] (Floxi-n, Exocine, Flobac-in, Flo'xal, Floxst+at, N_ovecin, O+flin, Oflo,- Oflodura, Oflox,, Tarav+id, Tarivid, -Zanocin-) ed meliprami'n penalcol. Sumen*ta top'rol xl lipant'hyl Levitra '[levitra] _(Vardena-fil, V*ivanza) n,oten Immuno,suppressant 1,2 Cialis. Soft Tabs (Tada.lafil,) 1.56% . Oral Thrush 'edegra_ Pro ED Pack _(Viagra Pr,ofessional + C*ialis Prof*essional)- ( citr'ate, tadalafil, *viagra, ci*alis) Ni'motop — H,igh Blood *Pressure,' Aneurysm, Adalat — H*igh Blood Pr-essure, Hy,per*tension, Ang.ina Pect'oris Pamelor [pame+lor] (nort,iptyline, N-orven_tyl, Aventyl,+ Alle.gron, No*ritren, Nor.trilen, Sen.sival) Avandary+l [avan_daryl] (Rosi.glitazo*ne Maleate, Gl'imepir,ide) Reosto _(osteopo.rosis) Pr,ostate Enlargeme-nt -rinalin calcium o'xala,te calculi .tildiem pro--erex Mecli.zine (Antiver,t, Bonine,. Bonamine, 'Dramam.ine, D-vert, +Uni+vert, Ver+tin) Vitamin E (T_ocopherol), fibrosi*tis 'diltiazem _cream periphe-ral vascul+ar disease Glyb_urid-e — Diabetes, *Blood -Sugar Muscle -Pain Pulmicor_t (budesoni*d_e, Entocort, ,Pulmicort) do_xederm T-oxin Removal .Pro-Erex Ma+legra F'XT (Sildena*fil + Fluoxet*in-e) (sildenafil *citrate, f_luoxetine, vi_agra, p+remature -ejaculati'on, prozac,, sarafem), valtrex, endocarditis* Abilify, — Schizophren*ia, Bipol-ar Disorder., Depressio+n, 'Antipsychotic . 5 Le*vitra (Varde+nafil, Vivanz-a) 3.44,% kof t,ea Phen'ergan (Promethaz*ine, .Promethegan,_ Romergan, *Fargan, Fargan+esse,' Prothiazine, Av', Atos*il, Receptozine, Le,rgigan) r.el+afen cialis p_rofessional* Rulide '[rulide] +(Roxithromycin') Bayer ASA As*pirin — .Feve*r, Pain, Headache', Pre,vention O.f Heart Attack., Inflammatio-n sym.bicort adef,ovir Otiti-s glioten Dem.ent'ia Clarina Cream ['c,larinacream] Sperm 'Coun-t antra pa+in balm _Anafranil [ana*franil-] (Clomipramine', Clofrani.l, Cl*opram, Clopran., Clopress+, Equ+inorm, Hydiphen, Ma*roni.l, Placil) An,ti-allergic/+Asth'ma threa*dworm tristojec-t priloc+aine Beni'gn Intracran.ial Hyperte'nsion w*hipworms+ Atenolol [aten+olol] (Anti'pressan, Aten.ix, Ten'ormin, At*elol, Atendo.l, Ateno-, Atenogamma, 'Atereal', Be_tacard, Blokium., Catenol, Cor'ote.nol, Cuxanor-m, Hypote*n, Noten*, Notenol, +Paesumex, Te,nolol, Tenopres+s, T+redol) copd' Sure Roman+ce — Libido' Enhancemen*t, Low Lib-ido Ce+faclor (Rani*clor,' Cefachlor, Cefaclo*r,um, Ceclor, Dist*aclor, Keflor*) co'lchily selecap *dib'ertil attentio*n-deficit hy*per_activity diso.rder bacticef Bo,ne pro+tection arthri+tis stres's r,esistance dy+smenorrhea flo+xal masacol. Bactrim _(Co,-trimoxazole,- trimethoprim,, su'lfamethoxazole, S-eptra, _septra ds, +bactrim d_s, cip*lin, cipli*n ds, Septrin-) mycophenola_te mof-etil Truvada ('Tenofovir-, emtricitabi,ne) Zadito+r (ket,otifen fumar*ate) Colchic+ine (Artri.chi*ne, Cochic, *Colchicin Age*pha, +Colchicina Lirca,_ Colchicina- Phoenix, *Colchicin_e H.oude, Colch_icum-Dispert, 'Colchil*y, Colchim-edio, Colch.iquim, Colchi.s, Colchis,ol, Colchysa-t B_urger, Colcin,e, Colgout_, Conici+ne, Goutich.ine, G-outnil,, Pr+ochic, R) Spi*riva (Tiotr_opium) fosam'ax Omepr*azole [ome+prazole_] (Omeprazol-e Sodium Bicarb-onate Ca_psu'les, Zegerid) ,colchicin+e houde Ret+rovir — H.IV flurbipro,fen e*ye drops apovent* chronic pain. crotamito_n Yashti*madhu Torsem*ide —. Edema, Heart Fa+ilure, Renal +Disease, Hepat*ic Dis+ease, Chroni,c Renal F,ailure,+ Diuretic, _Hyperten-sion, High Blo.od Pressure e.rgo*tamine tartrate n,euroc.ysticerc+osis anadi'n ibuprofen Imodiu'm [.imodium] *(Loperamide) major' d_epressive di+sorder Zyr*tec (Cet_irizine, Reactine,- Alercet,. Ale.rgex, Alerid, C'ertex-24,, Cetrine, -Cetz,ine, Cezin, Hista+zine,, Riztec, Ryzen, 'Triz, _Virlix, Xero-s-ed,_ Zirtin, Zy.rzine) Precose +— Di-abetes, Blood Su_gar ,Tylenol [tyl-enol] ,(Paracetamol,, Acetamin-ophen, p*ain, anacin) frus-id prome_thegan intest+inal -parasites